A Sloth Tries To Automate My Mom

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A Sloth Tries To Automate My Mom
May-19-2017, 07:21 AM
Hey guys so I need to write a Random Sentance Generator that reads
Intransitive verbs,
Transitive verbs
From files that contain these parameters then produces random but structurally correct English sentences, according to the syntax (rules of grammar).
I have the contents of these files made up in txt files ready to go yet I am just confused as to how to read all of them and put this into the code.
I have written an example program to test random just with some different variables
Also at some point I will need to include the following commands available using a menu and prompt for a command.
CMD Effect L Load all the files of words from disk.
T Test – display the first word from each list to make sure they've been loaded.
E Easy sentence: display a two word sentence - a randomly selected noun followed by a randomly selected intransitive verb and then a full stop.
S new Sentence - generate & display a sentence If the wordlists haven't been loaded, display an error message.
Q Quit the program.
May-19-2017, 10:59 PM
(May-19-2017, 07:21 AM)Liquid_Ocelot Wrote: I have the contents of these files made up in txt files ready to go yet I am just confused as to how to read all of them and put this into the code.

If the file has one word per line, you would want something like this:
Craig 'Ichabod' O'Brien - xenomind.com
I wish you happiness.
Recommended Tutorials: BBCode, functions, classes, text adventures

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A Sloth Tries To Automate My Mommy

A Sloth Tries To Automate My Moms

My mom called and said we could order it, but I said 'No, it's fine. I don't really need it.' By the time she called I was too busy reading about the enneagram and trying to figure out my type to decide whether I still cared enough about getting the book. First of all, I'm not goth. The incident in question occurred while I was getting ready for school. That day, I had show choir and PE, which meant I had to wear stuff that would be easy to change in and out of. It also happened to be raining and cold that day. I was wearing a plain black shirt, grey pants, and black combat boots. Mom looked me up and down before freaking out. Here is roughly.