Quotes 50th Anniversary
A 50th Anniversary is also known as a Golden Anniversary. Here are a few phrases and tips you can use for writing 50th wedding anniversary sayings: Congratulations on fifty years of unforgettable moments. To the Happy Couple on their Golden Anniversary. I’ll never forget the time Your love is a beautiful example. Fifty Years of Love. The 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, has not so far provoked the kind of anguished debate that accompanied the 50th anniversary. The lack of controversy is fitting because there wasn't much soul-searching at the time.
50 years anniversary is a milestone many couples will never see; that ultimate marker of devotion and dedication. The all-important 50th wedding anniversary is an occasion for joy and reverent appreciation. Since so few people will ever be able to claim that half-century-of-marriage milestone, crafting meaningful 50th wedding anniversary messages and wishes is vitally important. Whether the anniversary wishes come from adult children honoring their parents, or a spouse to his better half, choosing a heartfelt and personal message is of the utmost importance.
The 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, has not so far provoked the kind of anguished debate that accompanied the 50th anniversary. The lack of controversy is fitting because there wasn't much soul-searching at the time.
We’ve curated a selection of beautiful, engraved crystal remembrances so you can see how elegant words sparkle with a special brand of magic. A 50th wedding anniversary poem or prayer would be a perfect engraving for a larger plaque. At the same time, a simple hand-written message of love or a quotation exploring the depths of marital passion all make stellar 50th wedding anniversary wording ideas. You can always give a spouse or loved one an anniversary gift, that’s a given. But capturing the essence of commitment with 50th wedding anniversary message and wishes is something that takes deep thought and wondrous admiration.
50 years of marriage or being together is an amazing milestone to reach. 1 What to Write in a 50th Anniversary Card; 2 For a Couple; 3 For a Spouse; 4 For Parents; 5 Funny . Friendship Anniversary Quotes and Wishes.
Reminding someone of the day they said “I, do” is always an important part of celebrating an anniversary and reaffirming lasting love. In addition to marking the calendar and planning festive activities, it’s important to remember that it’s sometimes the smallest gestures that go the longest way. When you’re sending an anniversary card, the words you choose to inscribe can add remarkable joy unlike any other. Whether you are celebrating your own anniversary, looking back on the fifty years your parents have cherished together, or wishing friends a happy anniversary, we have you covered. Check out our quotes and advice below for what to write in an anniversary card.
Don’t feel overwhelmed when you put pen to paper. Our guide includes more than just anniversary messages to help make your anniversary gift even more special. We have the writing advice to back them up. No matter what the occasion or whom the recipient, create an anniversary card that is guaranteed to pull at the heartstrings with these sample anniversary messages, tips, and tricks.
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Step By Step: What To Say In An Anniversary Card
What you write in an anniversary card will depend upon who you are addressing the card to. Whether you are looking to offer a toast, share a special memory, or just say a simple ‘Congrats,’ you’ll want your anniversary wish to be heartfelt and reflect your relationship with the recipient(s). Follow these tips to help guide you through what to say in an anniversary card.
- Address the recipient(s). You’ll want to start your wishes off on the right foot! Due to the fact that writing anniversary card messages is more often than not a very personal process, you’ll want to stay away from the simple ‘Dear, so-and-so’ greeting. For a couple you’re close with use their first names “Jane and John.” If you’re writing the card to your parents “Mom and Dad” is best. When it comes to your own anniversary card, using pet names to address your significant other can add the personal touch you’re looking for.
- Draft a personal message. Use a few lines of the card to share an inside joke or add a moment you share with the lovebirds that you cherish close to your heart. A special moment like this will ensure your card is tailored to reflect your bond with the honoree(s).
- Write an anniversary wish. Take the next few lines to wish the couple well for the future and celebrate what it holds.
- Add an anniversary quote. Resonating with a piece of advice or sentiment from someone you look up to is always inspirational to read. Let the professional authors, poets and iconic names elevate your anniversary card to remarkable.
- Don’t forget to mention any wedding anniversary milestones. Each and every passing anniversary marks a unique celebration of love, but there are those milestone years that are extra special. Think first year anniversary, fifth, 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 55th, and 60th. Be sure to incorporate this special new number somewhere in your greeting.
- Don’t forget to say “Happy anniversary!”
- Finish your greeting off with a warm closing. You’ll want to finish your card just as the way you started it, on the right note. Before signing your name use a warm closing to wrap up any anniversary message. For example, you can choose between one of the following or use your own (Warmest Congratulations, With Love to You Both, All life’s Best to You, Happy [20th]!)
Happy Anniversary Wishes and Anniversary Card Sayings
When it comes to your happy anniversary messages it’s not just about the amount of words you use, but more about the thought put behind them. There’s nothing wrong with keeping your anniversary card greeting short and sweet, but you should try to include something specific about the couple if possible. Use these sample anniversary messages to help you create your own perfectly tailored greeting.
- You have loved one another through all these years. May your love continue to bring you joy as you celebrate your anniversary of love and togetherness.
- Happy anniversary to a beautiful couple! May the freshness of your love always remain.
- No one and nothing in this world is perfect…but the two of you are as close as it gets! Happy anniversary.
- An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow. Happy anniversary!
- The happiness you share is a precious gift. Happy anniversary to my favorite smiley faces.
- Happy Anniversary to you two! Hoping for many more years of happiness.
- The happiest of anniversary wishes to the both of you. I hope you have a wonderful day and year.
Anniversary Wishes To Husband
The pressure to say the right words seems to increase when you are trying to draft an anniversary quote for the him in your life. But, there’s no need to stress! Let your husband know just how much you adore and cherish your relationship with these perfect words. Whether he is the type of guy who would appreciate a sentimental reflection or the type to love a funny anniversary wish, these messages should get you started showing your husband just how much he means to you.
- Thank you for being my husband, my partner, my lover and my best friend. Happy anniversary!
- All these years, you have been amazing. As a dad to our kids and as my lover, I have been happy in your arms and I could see that we’ll be happier for the rest of our days. Thank you for everything. Happy anniversary, my darling.
50 years of married life is an accomplishment for those couples who have been together this immensely long period of time. It takes a lot of sacrifices, test of time, .
50th Wedding Anniversary Messages and Quotes
50 years of married life is an accomplishment for those couples who have been together this immensely long period of time. It takes a lot of sacrifices, test of time, hard work, adjustment, true love, and real loyalty towards your partner to make your marriage work. When a couple’s marriage has completed a full 50 years tenure then it is sure that this marriage is a special one. The more special one are those couple who are associated to make this marriage work and made it one of the successful achievement of their life.
Our collection of exceptional wishes and quotes are dedicated to those couples in marriage who have completed 50 years of golden married life with each other. These messages are meant for those couples whose spouses, family members, relatives, friends, and well-wishers use them to congratulate them on their wedding anniversary. These collections of beautiful anniversary wishes are customized for peoples who are celebrating their golden jubilee of married life. You may share your excitement towards your loved ones with a nice 50th anniversary messages to celebrate your day. Whether you are a husband, wife, children, friends or well-wishers our collection of anniversary messages will brighten up your celebration.
50th wedding anniversary Quotes & messages
We both count on each other. What a dedicated couple we are to count on each other since 50 years of our life.
To my better half, thank you for being with me to complete this glorious journey of 50 years of our companionship.
My love, you are beyond any definition. Let us celebrate our unmatched journey of love which has just completed 50 years of our married life.
Warm wishes upon a celebration of the golden jubilee for your wedding anniversary. Happy 50th year of your marriage.
When I look at you, my heart is filled with pride that you’ve been my perfect partner for life. We have shared each and everything together for 50 years. I wish it touches the century. Love you, my old wife.
Half a century back, two individuals got hooked on this date. And today they have crafted a golden life together.
Beauty and youth fade with every passing year. But my love for you shines like a diamond even we have completed 50 years of our livers with each other.
It takes 50 years to make our marriage and partnership with my soul mate into a golden one. This is the costliest wealth ever possessed by us. May this wealth never get replenish and increases day by day till death do us apart.
Your eternal union is as pure as solid gold. A happy golden celebration of your marriage.
You have crossed the 50th year of a landmark of your journey with your soul mate. I wish you may cross several milestones with your life partner. Heartiest congratulations to the loveliest couple on completing their 50 years of togetherness.
50th Wedding Anniversary Religious Messages
Keeping you in my thought and prayer. I have asked God to bless his shower of happiness, health and wealth upon my parents on their 50th wedding anniversary.
50 years ago, this was the union two lives into one. Hence, God has joined two souls together. Let this union never be in the mode of separation.
Your marriage is the great example of God’s union. May this union sets a great example for the future generation.
Dear God, please help us remember the first day of our meeting and the first step of falling in love. On this day of completing 50 years of love, we hope to spend more 50 years of our love life together.
Your long married life is an inspiration to me as a true God’s child. It is true that this long togetherness is possible only because of God. Moreover, affection, elegance, tolerance, and pledge to be with each other are the true reasons of your togetherness.
Staying in heaven is more peaceful. But God has made my life on Earth live like a heaven after your arrival as my life partner.
May God continue to bless more years of your married life. We wish both love, care and good health for the golden couple on their golden marriage jubilee.
I am very grateful to god and his gift of life that is YOU. Happy wishes for our 50th Wedding Anniversary.
We are the best examples of commitment and love which God has set rules for a perfect marriage. Happy 50 years of commitment to each other.
After all these golden years of our marriage, I am also looking forward to spending our eternal journey with you in heaven during the presence of God.
50th Wedding Anniversary Funny Messages
I will love you even when we will be old with wrinkles on our skin and sans teeth. Happy 50 years of our golden wedding.
Thank you for being my husband and giving me a chance every time to quarrel with you whenever I feel to shout in these 50 years of life. I intend to do the same in future. Happy Wedding Anniversary to my dear hubby.
My love, how I have greatly enjoyed irritating you in all the 50 years of our marriage. I am also happy that every year I get the opportunity to irritate you. So, let us celebrate our sweet and salt relationship.
You deserve a special gift to resist all my tantrum and mischiefs in all the 50 years of our married life. But it is true that you have the best gift given to you by God….. That is me for sure.
Congratulations to you for living with me for another year and handle me. Happy 50 years of life with me.
Looking back in 50 years, I must be really mad in love with you for being with you continuously. Congratulations to me for sticking to you.
All these years, I was thinking why you’re with me. Now I knew that you are being just same like me. No comments anymore but just wishes for completing 50 years of our married life.
I can’t imagine living a life without you. Our relationship is with Tom & Jerry where none can live without teasing each other.
50 years of our married life has been completed. But on every anniversary I still wonder what made me marry you and stay with you for those long years. However, happy anniversary to you.
Happy 50th wedding anniversary to the one who always sings while cleaning up the floor and I walk across with my dirty shoe.
50th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Couples
A celebration of 50th wedding anniversary for a couple is really grand and a splendid occasion. It is the great achievement for those who have completed a half-century of their togetherness in holy matrimony. This post is filled with colorful wedding wishes and quotes so that you can wish known couples who are completing or already completed their 50th wedding anniversary. These wedding wishes are crafted in such a way that it will touch hearts of those individuals whom you want to wish these beautiful anniversary wishes. We have many wedding wishes well-suited to your needs. But, selection of best wishes to congratulate a couple must be totally your decision. You can choose some of the quotes like:
Every memory of your marriage may bring smiles and happiness throughout your life. Happy golden 50th wedding anniversary.
The magical 50 years of your marriage always maintain the same warmth and it never gets cold. Happy 50th wedding anniversary wishes for the most lovable couple.

The ingredients for your strong 50 years of golden marriage consists of love and commitment which you’ve maintained all these years. Congratulations for completing 50 years of your married life.
Today your marriage has accomplished half century, with all the affection and purity! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Golden wishes are pouring all over you from your friends and relatives. Have a Golden Wedding Anniversary to enjoy with your family and loved ones.
Mom and Dad, you both are an inspiration to us. You taught us every meaning of life. Heartiest wishes on completion of 50 years of marriage.
Dear parents. Your wedding anniversary constantly reminds me of the result of your union. Thank you for giving us birth and warm wishes to you on your 50th wedding anniversary wishes.
There are many people on this planet who does’ not believe in “forever”. But seeing the never ending love of your make us believed in “forever”. Happy anniversary mom and dad!
Dear Mom and Dad, thank you for making a good family though you had to face lots of trials and tribulations. Happy 50 years of marriage to you.
Sincerest warm wishes for the evergreen couple upon completing 50 years of their marriage.
50th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Parent
Parents are the child’s best gift given by God. Without parents, a child is nothing and can never prosper in his/her life. Mom and Dad are the ones who’s love towards their wards are incomparable. Children should also be obedient to their parents can love them with all their feelings. Sometimes, children rarely show their feelings to their parents. They have a tendency to pour their heart out only during occasions like the wedding anniversary of their parents. In this post, we have wonderful wedding anniversary wishes for those children who really want to wish their parents on their special day. And, also make it memorable for them. You can choose our special anniversary wishes to send your parents and tell them how much their togetherness is special for you.
Some of our best anniversary wishes are:
My parents are God’s most lovable lovebirds who spread their wings to spread love, care and warm wishes for each other. Happy 50th anniversary to both angels of my life.

My lovely parents are the sole treasure of my life. Without them, my existence is not possible in this world. Warm wishes of their togetherness to my beloved parents.
I don’t know how you used to appear 50 years back, but one thing I know is that you’re the most beautiful creation of God. I am delighted to have you in my life. Best wishes for your long married life.
To the vital founders of my world and creator of all the happiness I have. Happy 50th wedding anniversary to my Mom and Dad.
No matter whatever my age is I will always seek your advice and regard you as my role model. Happy wedding wishes on your 50th wedding anniversary.
Happy 50th wedding anniversary to our birth givers. We are proud to celebrate the golden jubilee of your wedding anniversary.
Wishing you a happy anniversary at concluding 50 years of your relationship. May you live long together with immense care and love.
Dear Mom and Dad, you’re golden anniversary is reminding me of innumerable sweet remembrances which you have given me. Your presence made my life full of cheerfulness and benedictions. Happy anniversary.
You are the best parents in the world who have stood by in every sphere of time and situation. Without you, I am nothing. Love you… and have a great anniversary with loads of love.
You have set an example of how marriage can be blissful and successful with various test of time. I wish even our marriages be like yours. Wish you a happy golden jubilee celebration of love and togetherness.
50th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for uncle & Aunt
Anniversaries for your loved ones especially for your uncles and aunts are meant for big celebrations. It is that time of the year when that special couple requires special attention to make them feel special about them and also regarding their relationship. Our collection of sweet anniversary wishes for your uncle and aunt will surely rekindle their romance and yearn for togetherness more than ever. You can choose our anniversary wishes, messages, and quotes which are close to heart to share with your uncle and aunt. You can also post and share these beautiful messages to send them through e-mail, post in social media websites or write these messages with your own hand in an anniversary greeting card to add an extra touch of your love towards them.
Some of the well-known anniversaries wish to congratulate your aunt and uncle are:
Anniversaries are special days to be celebrated with great glamour and applaud. Happy Anniversary dear Aunt and Uncle and throw us a party to commemorate your special day.

Heartiest warm wishes to celebrate the day of your union. May your love and relationship grows without any obstacle.
Warm wishes to the great couple who keeps rocking our family and make life cheerful for everybody.
For a couple who is so much in love, seeing this makes us so happy. Thank you for being together, and making the whole family happy. Happy anniversary Uncle and Aunt.
Here is an anniversary wish for the whole family to let you know that how much your togetherness meant for us. Heartiest celebration wishes to the lovely couple.
Dear Uncle and Aunt, you fall into that category of a couple who loves and understand each other so much that no negative energy can come between them. Have a great celebration of your anniversary.
May happiness, well-being, affection and lots of benediction come your way. These are the wishes for my dear Uncle and Aunt on their day of wedding anniversary.
On this very day, you became man and wife due to the unconditional love you have among them and God’s blessings upon your love. On your 50th wedding anniversary, I wish that you get to celebrate more 50 wedding anniversaries in future and make a century.
Love Quotes 50th Anniversary
If I could ask God for a wish to come true, then I desire that in every birth you will be my dear Uncle and Aunt. Happy Anniversary to both of you.
Your first anniversary might be very romantic. Since this is your 50th wedding anniversary it has to be special. Wishes for my Uncle and Aunt for the glorious golden jubilee of their wedding.
Golden Jubilee Wedding Anniversary Wishes
May your bond of matrimony be stronger with each passing year, the eternal love among you be stronger with growing time. Heartiest wishes for your Golden Jubilee Wedding Anniversary.
Life has given you the perfect reason to celebrate your golden wedding anniversary. These reasons are: 2 children, one beautiful house, 2 great jobs, huge bank balance and loads of happiness in your family. Happy golden jubilee wedding anniversary.
Time changes everything, but the true love and feelings you share with each other are unchanged. May this celebration of your golden jubilee wedding anniversary be grand like your wedding which occurred 50 decades ago.
May your love withstands various tests of time to arise as stronger, and cheerier. Happy golden jubilee wedding anniversary wishes to the ideal couple I have ever seen.
Quotes For 50th Anniversary Invitations
Remember the good memories and disremember the bad ones. Take pride in your love which is still going strong after so many years. Heartiest wishes for celebrating 50 golden years of your love.
50th Anniversary Gifts
Quotes 50th Anniversary Spanish
The Best Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Parents
Find the perfect way to wish a happy 50th anniversary with this collection of 50th wedding anniversary wishes for parents, friends, funny & images. If you or someone you know is celebrating a 50th anniversary, then congratulations are definitely in order for this most rare and impressive feat. Very few couples are fortunate enough to reach this precious milestone and those that do deserve our sincere admiration and respect.
It is not often that we are able to be a witness (or a part of) such a special moment in a couple’s journey together. If you are a part of this special occasion, it is natural to want to share heartfelt 50th anniversary wishes. Here you will find 1) happy 50th anniversary wishes, 2) 50th anniversary wishes for parents, 3) happy 50th anniversary images and 4) funny 50th anniversary quotes. Enjoy!
50th Anniversary Wishes
This is a collection of happy 50th anniversary wishes which can be used to with anyone a happy 50th anniversary. These can be used for friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances and for 50th anniversary cards.
- Years come and years go but your commitment and love for each other stays forever. Times may have changed but your love has truly stood the test of time. Happy 50th wedding anniversary!
- You two are great example of perseverance, faith, love, happiness, devotion, and success. I am proud to know you both. May you have many blessings on this momentous occasion.
- It is a joy to know a beautiful couple like you. Best wishes on your 50th and enjoy your perfect day together.
- May God shower you and everlasting love and fill your lives with blessings and happiness. Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary!
- Many congratulations on your 50th year of being happily married together. May God continue to shower you with never ending blessings.
- Wishing you a happy and perfect day. May you have many more anniversaries to come. Happy 50th anniversary lovebirds!
- Happy 50th anniversary! I can think of 50 reasons why you are my favorite and the most amazing couple I know.
- Wishing you all the best on your 50th wedding anniversary. Here’s to another great year of being together.
- Love is a treasure. I am happy that you two found each other. It has been great 50 years since you wed and may there be many more happy years together. Happy 50th wedding anniversary wishes
- Today I wish you both happiness, love and togetherness as you celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary. I admire your love for one another and I hope I will be lucky enough to find true love like you did.
- Here’s to an amazing milestone of 50 years of successful marriage. May you have another 50 years to come.
- Congratulations on your golden wedding anniversary! 50 is nifty when you have a great marriage and partner like you do.
- You two are great inspirations. It’s a beautiful thing to have a lasting and true love like yours. Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary!
- I feel so honored to be able to witness a love like yours. You are truly amazing. Best wishes for 50th wedding anniversary!
- Here’s to another 50 more years. I hope it is as lovely, exciting and special as the first fifty.
50th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Parents
If you are one of the fortunate few to have parents celebrating their 50th anniversary, then these 50th anniversary wishes for parents will help you to congratulate your Mom and Dad on being an amazing example of true love and commitment.
- I am so proud that you are my parents. Such love and dedication is truly admirable. Happy 50th anniversary Mom and Dad!
- 5 decades, or 50 years, or 600 months, or 438000 hours, together means countless opportunities to back down but you never did. Congratulations Mom and Dad!
- Today is your day in the spotlight as you celebrate your golden anniversary. I couldn’t be more proud to have parents like you. I love you Mom and Dad, happy golden anniversary!
- 50 is for gold, 50 is for a decade fivefold, 50 is nifty, 50 is you being the king and queen of this household. Happy 50th wedding anniversary Mom and Dad!
- 50 is a number to be proud of and I am lucky to be a part of this family and a witness to the greatest love story there ever was.
- Mom and Dad: you are such an inspiration and great role models not only for your family but for the people around you. May you have another 50 years of love and happiness together.
- May God continue to bless you with a long and healthy life together so you may enjoy each other for many more years to come. So happy for you both on your 50th wedding anniversary!
- Happy 50th anniversary to the greatest, my most favorite couple, my mentors, my best friends!
- Thank you for being such wonderful parents. Today I want the world to know how much I admire your love for each other. I have never seen such love, support and commitment. Happy golden jubilee anniversary Mom and Dad!
- Happy 50th wedding anniversary! Nobody does it better than my loving wonderful parents.
Happy 50th Anniversary Images
Sometimes a picture can communicate more emotion than just words alone. Share these happy 50th wedding anniversary images with the lucky couple.
- Congratulations Mom and Dad. It’s so cool to have parents who truly love each other no matter what. Happy golden anniversary!
Short 50th Anniversary Quotes
- Hope your next 50 years is even more joyful and exciting than your first 50 years. Happy anniversary!
- May you never stop acting like newlyweds. Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary!
- Roses are red, violets are blue, it’s your 50th, I’m so happy for you. Happy anniversary to the most wonderful people I know!
- Happy 50th anniversary! Your love for each other is an inspiration and a great example of commitment for everyone around you.
- God bless you both on your anniversary. 50 years is marvelous when you have a great marriage like yours. Enjoy the celebration of your life together.
Funny 50th Anniversary Quotes
Any couple who has stayed together for five decades must have a great sense of humor. Share with them some of these funny 50th wedding anniversary quotes.
- The first 50 years of marriage are always the most difficult. It’s smooth sailing from here!
- Congratulations to the only couple I know who had dinosaurs attend their wedding!
- Happy 50th anniversary wishes to the couple whose lovey-doveyness continues to gross everyone out.
- I guess we can now safely say that you two were not just a fling.
- Well, Mom and Dad, you made it 50 years. It’s a good thing I was around to keep things going smoothly!
- It’s really amazing how you’ve stuck together all these years and you truly do deserve our respect and admiration, but please do me a favor and don’t fill me in on the details of your sex life.
- Happy 50th anniversary! I’m sure you could give me a lot of valuable advice on having a relationship, but what I really want to know is how you are able to pretend you like each other after all these years.
- You both clearly understand that marriage is a relationship where one person is always right and the other person is the husband.
Quotes For 50th Anniversary Cards
We hope you have enjoyed these 50th wedding anniversary wishes and that you have been able to find the perfect wish or image for this occasion. These 50th anniversary quotes and happy 50th anniversary images were created just for you. If you came here looking for 50th wedding anniversary wishes for parents, then you are truly blessed to have such incredible role models of love and commitment. If this is for your friends or people you know, they are worth observing closely, for they are living examples of the power of a solid relationship. And if you yourself are celebrating your 50th anniversary, then we are in awe of you! Congratulations! When choosing 50th marriage anniversary wishes we recommend you look for something which really resonates with you. May you and those you care about have a life full of love, peace and joy. Happy 50th anniversary wishes to you and yours!
- If you liked these 50th wedding anniversary wishes, please share them. Each and every share helps to keep this site going!
Wedding Wishes; Wedding Anniversary; Wedding Anniversary Wishes; Wedding Anniversary Quotes; 50th Wedding Anniversary; Wedding Anniversary Years.
What to Write for 50th Anniversary Wishes
50th wedding anniversary wishes
50 years ago two people got hooked, And today a golden recipe they have cooked!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Today your marriage has completed half century, With all the love and sanctity!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Hearty congratulations for a day that’s gold, Of a marriage that is 50 years old!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!!
Many good wishes to celebrate this day, And good luck for another 50 years that come your way!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
It takes 50 years to turn marriage into gold, Wish you maintain this warmth and never turn cold!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
A relation so old only gets better with age, Where you can write beautiful songs on every page!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Fifty years ago, you said “I do”, And there is something like eternity, and now I believe it too!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
50 golden years of your life, You have lived with each other and helped in each other’s strife!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Fifty years you held each other’s hand, And till date together you stand!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Great lesson your relation has taught, How to love each other a lot!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Fifty years were dipped in care, Hope further also for each other you are there!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Love the way how caring you are, And it just with your care for each other, you have come so far!!! Happy golden anniversary!!!
50 miles of this journey you walked, And lots of love and happiness you have stocked!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Today is the golden day of your marriage, Seeing this, newly married would surely be encouraged!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Completing 50 years of marriage isn’t a joke, True love within everyone, you have evoked!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Now your relation turned to gold from silver, A happy speech you must now deliver!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
A marriage as pure as a 24K karat gold, Deserves a loud applause for a couple so bold!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Came so far with all your love, On the olive branch like the doves!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!
Golden rays your marriage emits, Because of the two of you, who readily commits!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!
Truly great couple you are, Who has crossed 50 years of marriage and came so far!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!!
Should you be searching 50th happy anniversary wishes then you post by the 50th best anniversary wishes, text messages and quotes to.