R Lot Shuttle
RIT Shuttle Services
- R Lot Shuttle Schedule
- Cached
- R Lot Shuttle Las Vegas
- Ajax Parking R Us - Sea-Tac Airport Parking & Shuttle In ...
- SHUTTLE STOPS PARKING SHUTTLE PARKING LOT SHUTTLE 8:30 AM - 10 PM after 8:30 AM, all shuttles will make pick-ups at New Center One and One Ford Place Call (313) 916-1119 for stops MORNING PARKING LOT SHUTTLE 5:30 AM - 9 PM route alters as lots become full Call (313) 916-1119 for stops MORNING LOT SHUTTLE EXPRESS SHUTTLE EXPRESS SHUTTLE 6:30 AM.
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Parking and Transportation Services (PATS) provides shuttle service with regular scheduled stops at all RIT apartment complexes, Residence Halls, NTID, Barnes & Noble, Park Point, The Province, and academic areas throughout the school year. All campus routes are operated by First Transit, a private bus company. Schedules for the shuttle routes are available at the Parking and Transportation Services office, at the Student Alumni Information Desk, and the link on the right side of this page. Schedules are subject to change and updated as needed. All services provided on campus meet ADA regulations for those with mobility needs.
RIT Campus Shuttle
Bus Route OLD MAIN H LOT R LOT WEHNER OLSEN PENBERTHY GARAGE GARAGE Free shuttle serving W, H & R 12th Man permit parking lots. Operates 3 hours pre-game, throughout the game and 1 and 1/2 hours post-game. STOTZER PKWY UNIVERSITY DR W LOT WELLBORN RD RUDDER 12TH Man Parking Area Bus Stop Route is accessible for people with disabilities.
Traverses the RIT campus via Andrews Memorial Drive and the various residential centers (University Commons, Perkins Green, Riverknoll, Greek Housing) on campus. This route also stops at Park Point residential areas and The Province. This service operates 7 days a week from approximately 7 a.m. to 11pm. Slightly revised schedules are provided during breaks and summer semester.

RIT Inn Shuttle
This shuttle connects the campus to the RIT Inn & Conference Center. It operates 7 days a week from approximately 7 a.m. to 11pm. Slightly revised schedules are provided during breaks and summer semester.
Accessible Van Services
R Lot Shuttle Schedule
Students interested in utilizing the Accessible Van Services for transportation to/from academic events or classes must receive approval from the Disability Services Office. More information about how to request accommodations can be found on their website. Approved students will need to submit the Accessible Van Scheduling form to dlbfms@rit.edu to schedule services.
Sunday Retail
The RIT campus is located in the heart of the Town of Henrietta shopping district, within minutes of diverse shopping opportunities including:
Park Point
Provides a variety of shopping, food, and entertainment venues.
Marketplace Mall
Includes hair salons, music stores, banks, great department stores, and more.
Wegmans Food Markets
The largest food market chain in upstate New York. Also in the same plaza: Panera Bread, Hairzoo, Michael's, Toys R Us, Uno Pizzeria, Jared's Jewelers, Chuck E. Cheese, and Value City Furniture.
Southtown Plaza
Includes a variety of stores for clothing and other necessities.
Jefferson Plaza
Includes China Buffet, Subway, and various other stores and restaurants.
Current as of 11/10/20
While we continue to operate the ParkIt! Downtown shuttle service, our priority is to protect those most important to us by ensuring the health and safety of our clients, associates and their families. Please note the following changes being implemented until further notice, to best comply with federal, state, and Metro guidelines.
Route Change
Until further notice, the NCC Route (Union St.) is cancelled. Any individual rider that is still coming to work will need to ride the Lot A shuttle.
Revised Policies
- In accordance with updated guidelines from the CDC, each shuttle will only carry 9 riders;
- Riders will be scanned with a thermometer prior to boarding; riders with a temperature of 100.4 or greater will not be able to board;
- Riders showing COVID-19 symptoms will be asked not to ride;
- Riders are asked to keep open seats between themselves and other passengers, keeping a recommended distance of 6 feet or greater from others, to the extent possible;
- It is recommended that all Shuttle riders wear a face mask/covering.
*Please note, due to these changed policies and procedures, riders may experience longer wait times to board Shuttles, and/or longer wait times in between Shuttle arrivals.
- Our paid-time off policies ensure staff stay home if they are sick or have been exposed to illness;
- All shuttle staff will be scanned with a thermometer prior to boarding;
- All shuttle staff will wear company-provided Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), including masks and gloves.
Preparation and Sanitation
- Shuttle staff are equipped with hand sanitizer and disinfectant, in addition to their mandated PPE;
- Shuttle fleet is currently undergoing additional daily cleaning procedures, including:
- Deep cleaning/sanitizing (twice daily) to include disinfecting of all high-touch surfaces;
- Nightly disinfectant fogging;
- Nightly disinfectant mopping of floors.
We ask that you help us keep our shuttles a safe place for everyone.
- Please do not utilize the shuttle service if you have cold or flu symptoms. This is a good general practice during any cold and flu season.
- Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer while out running errands.
- Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, and keep your distance from people who are coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- If you are sick, avoid going out but seek medical care.
The new easy and convenient option!
A lot of you have asked, and we have listened! Now all* shuttle riders will purchase their shuttle passes ONLINE! If you are an individual rider, you will purchase your shuttle pass online, and can either pick up your parking permit from the sales trailer on the dates it is open, or you can contact lot security and obtain it from them at anytime. For the month of December the dates the sales trailer will be open are Monday, November 30 and Tuesday, December 1. Just click here, create an account, and then purchase your monthly pass. The shuttle pass will then be sent to your mobile device and can be used on any Lot A shuttle.
For FAQs, click here.
*Only riders purchasing one shuttle pass are able to use this system at this time. For bulk purchases, or purchases of more than one pass for multiple people, you will still need to contact us to do so. Or you can visit the sales trailer on the dates listed below.
Lot A (shuttle passes and permits) are available.
FOR DECEMBER: LOT A parking permits for December for those who have purchased the December shuttle pass online will be distributed in LOT A on Monday, November 30 and Tuesday, December 1 from 6:30-9am. If you are not able to pick up on those days, you may contact 615-243-0047 to make arrangements to pick up at another time.

If you only need to park downtown a handful of times a month the most economical option is to park in Lot E and pay the machine in that lot each time you park there. Post the receipt on your dashboard. The daily parking charge for that lot is $5. **At this time there are no new Lot E passes available. All available passes have been issued at this time. Lot E permits that were given out for the 1st Quarter and expire on 3/31/20 have been extended and are valid past the expiration date.

If you need to park downtown 9 or less times a month for work, this is the best option for you. Lot A is your best bet with $45/month parking if you need to park downtown 10 or more times a month.
- FREE weekday parking in downtown Nashville with $45 monthly shuttle service (Monday through Friday) is available at Nissan Stadium Lot A from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm for downtown employees. Click here to purchase your monthly shuttle pass. **Beginning August 2019, the monthly shuttle service fee will be $45 if paying via check or cash, and $47 if paying via credit card.** **To obtain a Lot A pass you MUST also purchase a monthly shuttle pass.**
- FREE weekday parking without monthly shuttle service (Monday - Friday) is available at Nissan Stadium Lot E (depending on availability) from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. Parking permit is required. Lot E parking is $5 daily without the free parking permit for downtown employees. Pay the machine in that lot and post the receipt on your dashboard. **At this time there are no longer Lot E passes available.
- Users must display a PARKING PERMIT in their vehicle. To register for a Lot A permit and monthly shuttle pass: visit shuttlepass.parkitdowntown.com. Create an account and purchase your pass! You will still need to visit the sales trailer on the dates each month they are open to obtain your parking permit, this site is just to purchase the monthly shuttle pass.
- The Partnership's Park It! Express shuttles operate from Lot A on the following schedule:
- Monday through Friday, except major holidays or Nissan Stadium events dates. Advance notice of these dates (when the parking is unavailable) will be provided by the Partnership by email. ***You are responsible for finding and paying for your own parking on these dates.***
- Four shuttles run at 10-minute intervals during morning peak times (7:00 am to 9:00 am) and four shuttles during afternoon peak times (4:00 pm to 6:00 pm)
- One shuttle runs at 20-minute intervals between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.
- Shuttle stops (marked with yellow Park It! Downtown signs) are located at (1,2) Nissan Stadium Lot A (two stops: corner of South 2nd Street and Russell Street or near Russell Street entrance to Lot A); (3) Metro Courthouse; (4) 315 Union; (5) 4th Avenue North and Arcade; (6) Corner of 4th and Church Street (ServiceSource Building), (7) 3rd Avenue North and Commerce Street, (8) 3rd Avenue North and Union Street.
- Shuttle route: From Nissan Stadium Lot A to WOODLAND STREET BRIDGE, to UNION STREET, left to 4TH AVENUE NORTH, left to COMMERCE STREET, left to 3RD AVENUE NORTH, right to UNION to WOODLAND STREET BRIDGE to Nissan Stadium Lot A. You can also download a map of the shuttle route (.pdf format *).
- Shuttle Service from the lot into downtown is only to be provided by the Nashville Downtown Partnership.
- Monthly shuttle passes are $45 each (cash or check; passes may also be purchased via Visa, Mastercard or Discover for $47). You may also park in Lot E and ride the shuttle by paying $3 flat rate daily each weekday (cash only). To obtain a Lot A pass, you MUST ALSO purchase a monthly shuttle pass.
- Shuttle passes are available from the Nashville Downtown Partnership. For your convenience, monthly passes are sold online.
- The only passes available are the $45 monthly passes (we cannot prorate for partial months).
- We cannot replace lost shuttle passes. You may either pay the $3 flat rate daily or purchase another monthly pass for $45.
- To park in Nissan Stadium Lot A, located near the Juvenile Justice Center
- 1.Easy access from I-65/I-24 via Exit 48 (James Robertson Parkway/State Capitol). Go toward downtown on INTERSTATE DRIVE. Turn right on RUSSELL STREET. Lot A will be on the right.
- 2.Alternate route: follow the signage from the Interstate to Nissan Stadium and continue following signage to Lot A.
- The shuttle pick-up stops are on the corner of South 2nd Street and Russell Street and near Russell Street and Interstate Drive. Use the one closer to your parking location.
- To Park in Nissan Stadium Lot E
- 1. Right on Woodland Street. Right on S. 1st Street and Lot E will be on your right.
- 2. Follow Shelby Avenue to S. 2nd Street. Turn left on Russell Street and right on S. 1st Street. Lot E will be on your right.
R Lot Shuttle Las Vegas
- Security staff monitors Nissan Stadium Lot A periodically throughout the day. Security is on-site between 6:30 am and 9:30 am and between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. They are also available to assign parking permits to those that have purchased a monthly shuttle pass and need to obtain their monthly parking permit to hang in their vehicle.
- Nissan Stadium parkers are reminded to follow the Park Smart! guidelines.
Ajax Parking R Us - Sea-Tac Airport Parking & Shuttle In ...
- For more information or to make suggestions or comments on this program, contact us by phone at 615-743-3090 or email bhansen@nashvilledowntown.com. We welcome your feedback!