Us Stamps Collection Lots For Sale
- Us Stamps Ebay Collections
- Us Stamps Collection Lots For Sale Craigslist
- Us Stamps Collection Lots For Sale Craigslist

Stamp Super Specials

Back in 1986 I had been in the stamp business full time for about seven years. I was a partner in Weeda Stamps, an old-fashioned stamp store in downtown Vancouver, Canada. One day, a man came into the store and asked if we bought stamps, because he had 'a lot of stamps for sale'. I answered 'Of course we do; let's have a look'. A wide range of United States stamps, both mint and used that come from a huge collection and accumulation from a long time collector from Pasadena, California. His main interest was used US and he collected through-out his life time. These US stamps. Worldwide Stamp Collections and Lots. Many people enjoy collecting stamps from around the world as a way to learn geography while others use them as a miniature art gallery. Many countries from around the world have issued postage. If you are pondering starting the hobby of stamp collecting, then you may have many questions. Buy Lot of 100 Used US United States Postage Stamps: Stamp Collecting - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases.
View our hot monthly Advanced Stamp Specials below!
Click here for Beginner Stamp Specials.
#1 Used VF-XF, Nice Red Grid Cancel w/ 2003 PSE Graded VF-XF-85 Cert #00099425
Item Number: 27
Our Selling Price: $750.00, Sale Price: $575.00
#1b Used VF+, 4 Margins, Striking Blue Grid Cancel, Deep Rich Color w/ 2012 PF Cert #504292, 2015 Scott Cat. $800
Item Number: 35
Our Selling Price: $750.00, Sale Price: $650.00
#2 Used 3 1/2 Margins with Orange cancel
Item Number: 15
Our Selling Price: $995.00, Sale Price: $895.00
#3 Mint No Gum as Issued XF (Only 4779 issued)
Item Number: 09
Our Selling Price: $1250.00, Sale Price: $1050.00
#5 Canada Used VF
Item Number: 01
Our Selling Price: $575.00, Sale Price: $495.00, SOLD!
#5 Used VF-XF, manuscript cancel, tiny faults, RARE Type 1, Position 7R1E with 2017 PSE Cert #01334003, 2020 Scott Cat. $55,000 with minor faults
Item Number: 04
Our Selling Price: $59000.00, Sale Price: $45000.00
#5A Used VF+ Type 1b, Position 5R1E, barely touches at bottom left, Fresh Color, Neat Cancel w/ 1978 PF Cert #71-479 (2011 Scott Cat. $10,000)
Item Number: 06
Our Selling Price: $9750.00, Sale Price: $8395.00, SOLD!
#6b Used VF Type 1c, Fresh Color, Light Cancel w/ 2002 PF Cert #0389314
Item Number: 03
Our Selling Price: $2995.00, Sale Price: $2595.00, SOLD!
#8 Used VF-XF Type III, POS. 48L4, Light Cancel, Stitch Watermark Variety, 2014 w/2003 PF Cert. #0394388
Item Number: 07
Our Selling Price: $3500.00, Sale Price: $3195.00
#8 Used XF, light town cancel, Type 3 with 1997 PF Cert #0310961
Item Number: 20
Our Selling Price: $2975.00, Sale Price: $2795.00, SOLD!

Buy in complete confidence.
I have been serving stamp collectors and dealers full time since 1972.
Lifetime Dealer Member in the American Philatelic Society
This list features many of our most popular offersSomething For Everyone
If you are looking for the ultimate in old-fashioned stamp collecting enjoyment check out our many Mixture & Old Time Stamp Job Lots. These provide the thrill of the hunt. Since 1972 Mixtures have always been our #1 BEST SELLERS. Try some today and explore philatelic treasures.
LOW PRICED FLAT RATE SHIPPING is only $4.00 to anywhere in the USA
No matter how much you buy from our on line stamp and first day cover offers.
M77) Huge MINT Collection 1000 Different Large Colorful Topical & Pictorial Worldwide Stamps.
* Giant Size Collection of 1000 DIFFERENT Worldwide Stamps. These are all Colorful
Pictorial and Topical Stamps. ALL MINT STAMPS
* Many Different exciting topicals to add to your collection.
* Nice variety of countries.
* Seldom available. * Great adventure in collecting for Worldwide Stamp Collectors.
* Get More for your money. ALL 1000 Mint World Stamps for only $49.95 Buy Now
M76) Flashy Foreign Stamp Mixture Large Size Colorful Stamps. 100 Different For only $3.99
I can supply up to 30 different lots .Buy Now
M74) 5000 Different Worldwide Stamps - Build your collection
Here is a huge Collection Builder Packet of 5000 Different Worldwide Stamps. All off paper ready to add to your collection. Great for trading. Nice representation of Western Europe, Eastern Europe and general worldwide stamps. Includes many large size colorful pictorials and topicals of all kinds. Offered now for only $297.00 Buy now!
M75) GREECE Super Collection of 1000 Different Commemorative Stamps.
These 1000 Different Greek Stamps are in very fine condition and the collection even includes some Mint Greek Commemoratives. Assembled from old time European Stock. Over $300.00 regular retail value. Enhance your collection with this enormous Greece Collection now and also receive two additional Free
Bonus Gifts.
BONUS #1Greece #587 - 600 Used Complete 1956 Crown Price Set of 14 worth $6.10 Retail Value
BONUS #2 Greece #437 - 454 Beautiful Vintage Landscape Scenes Mint NH Complete Set of 18 from 1942-4
You Get all of this 1000 Different Greece Stamps + 2 Bonus Gifts for only $149.00 Buy now!
M73) Foreign Corner Cut Squares
LOT of 32 unused corner cut squares.
No idea about these. Interesting old items to enhance your stamp collection. The image is representative of the 32 Cut Squares you will receive. Each lot is different. Add these interesting philatelic collectibles to your collection today for only $5.00 Buy now!
M71) United States AIRMAIL STAMPS OFF PAPER Stamp Mixture. This mixture just arrived and is one that is very seldom offered. We have a very limited supply of this intriguing Airmail Stamp Mixture. Buy a HALF POUND of this Airmail off paper Stamps mixture for only $99.00
Buy now!
M72) United States PRECANCELS Stamp Mixture. 100 Mixed USA Precancel Stamps for only $5.99 SOLD OUT
M1)USA ON PAPER An interesting United States On Paper mixture ofMostly common material. Includes commemoratives, regular issues and some older material. No telling what you might find but lots of stamps to search and sort. One Pound Lot for only $29.95Buy now!!
This is our most popular United States Stamp Mixture
I only have a very limited supply of this mixture. Contains both regular issues and modern commemoratives. This is mostly stamps from the self stick era on very close clipped paper.
You get thousands of stamps to sort at a very low cost per stamp.
VERY LIMITED SUPPLY. Order your One Pound Lot today for $79.95 Sorry Sold out at this time
One Pound of Commemoratives for only $69.95sorry this mix is sold out at this time
This is our Best Selling United States Stamp Mixture
A really fine mixture containing many older sought after commemoratives right up to recent years plus many regular size stamps also. Thousands of nice stamps ready for you to sort. This is a great mixture as there really is no telling what you might find. This COMBINATION USA MIXTURE is a large parcel containing approximately 6000 stamps. ONLY $59.95 Buy Now
M5) Worldwide Deluxe On Paper Stamp Mixture
Here's your stamp to embark on an old fashion international stamp journey. This great new worldwide stamp mixture just arrived. We've had many requests from collectors for a nice blended on paper Worldwide in scope Stamp Mixture. Will include foreign nations and also some USA on paper mixture. This is your chance while the supply lasts. A good blend from many different countries all over the world. As in all mixtures there is duplication to be expected but if you enjoy the thrill of the hunt this old fashion on-paper Stamp Mixture will provide hours of philatelic fun. One Pound Parcel for only $49.95Buy now!
M6)WORLDWIDE TOPICAL & PICTORIAL MIXTUREThis is an off paper Mixture of foreign Colorful * Flashy * Pictorial & Topical Type stamps. This colorful blend will include a large amount of CTO stamps.Thousands of stamps. Duplication of course as is usual in such mixtures. You'll get a huge batch of stamps here One Pound Off Paper World Pictorials for only $59.95 Buy Now
M7)WORLDWIDE Better Grade Off Paper MIXTUREThis is one of our best-sellers of all time. Made up from numerous sources over 30 years. Stamps asremoved from old packets, old dealer stocks, old auction lots, stockcards etc. This MIX is loaded with postally used stamps, mint stamps and some CTO might also be found but there is a Huge Variety of stamps - countries and time periods here. Finds are definitely possible in this Mix. ONE POUND of our Better Grade Off Paper Mixture for only $99.00 ( We estimate approximately 6000 stamps in this lot )
DELUXE STAMP MIXTURE Only $199. for approx. 6000-8000 stamps
For more advanced collectors this is a premium grade off paper worldwide stamp mixture. You should find much more variety and country selection in this blend as it is assembled from completely different sources than our other Mixtures. We are selling this mixture of all OFF PAPER premium grade Worldwide Stamp issues at only $199.00 per pound. Estimated to have 6000 - 8000 stamps in a pound. This is a limited special offer and supplies are difficult to source. This mixture is a great value at a very low cost per stamp and some nice finds are possible. This premium mixture has been very popular. If you are ready to tackle a big lot of worldwide stamps this is for you .
Order your M8 Super Mixture today for only $199.00 Buy now!
M9) OLD APPROVAL DEALER MIXTURE A friend dealer has called it quits after many many years selling stamps by approval. I bought it all from him and am offering it unsorted in lots of 2000 Assorted Stamps. He was sending these out to collectors to sell for 8-10 Cents per stamp. I am selling them out in Bargain lots of 2000 Assorted Off Paper Stamps. Super Buy at only $49.00Buy now!
M12) MINI WORLDWIDE COLLECTOR PARCELSIf you enjoy looking through all kinds of interesting worldwide Stamps-Covers etc this is for you. We made up some Special Priced Parcels containing WorldWide Stamps of all kinds On Paper, Off Paper, in glassines from old approvals, on approval cards, loose, sets, packets, mixtures ,covers, might include some British, Africa, Asia etc. This is really a very limited time special - while they last - a Great Value for general WorldWide Collectors.A Fun Lot and a great value for World Stamp Collectors.$39.80
This is one of my best sellers of all time.
150 Different gorgeous topicalcolorful attractive Mint Never Hinged souvenir sheets
Worth over $330.00 Scott Retail value.Great Opportunity for resellers - - Huge Profit Potential
We are selling these at a special low wholesale price of only $147.00
Only a very limited supply of these Russia Souvenir Sheets remain @ Only $147.00 for 150 Different Mint NH Topical Russian Souvenir Sheets
> click to Buy now!
M15) United StatesFull Mint Sheets Mixture This is a Collection of 50 DIFFERENT Full Mint NH USA SE-TENANT SHEETS. Runs from the very earliest se-tenant issued of the 1960's up to the 1990's. You'll find such great sheets included as 1976 50 State Flags (1633-82); 1982 Birds and Flowers (#1953-2002);Space Sheets etc etc. The current Brookman Retail Value of this collection exceeds $800.00SPECTACULAR VALUE for the USA Stamp Sheet Collector $529.00 Buy Now
M16) USA MINT WORLD WAR II SET OF SHEETSWORLD WAR II Series of 5 Full SheetsThese are all the FULL SHEETS of 20 Stamps per Sheet and include #2559, 2697, 2765, 2838, and 2981 all 5 Sheets for $65.00 Buy Now
M17) SWITZERLAND 1000 MixtureThis is a new off paper high grade mixture we recently imported from a long time source we had in Switzerland. The condition is fabulous and this mixture has 1000 Stamps with Loads of value. This is a MIXTURE as taken from stock books, albums etc and there will be duplications. A SUPER VALUE at only $47.00 Buy Now
M18)CELEBRATE THE CENTURY United States Sheets. Set of 10 Full Mint NH Sheets
Discover America on stamp scenes from the 1900's to the 1990's. You'll get the Complete Set of All Ten Mint Full Sheets #3182 - 3191. That is a total of 150 Different USA Mint Never hinged commemorative Stamps. Brookman Retail Value is $195.00 SUPER SPECIAL the Complete Collection now for only $99.00 Buy Now
I doubt anyone else offers a mixture like this but for collectors who only like MINT WORLDWIDE STAMPS this is a real treasure trove. This is made up from a thirty five year accumulation. No telling what you might find – loads of different countries --- loads of different time periods --- old stamps – modern stamps --- colorful topicals --- just about anything might be found. Approx 3000 stamps $199.00 Buy now!
M21) SPECIAL OFFER ~~ COLLECTOR PARCEL LOTS EXTRAORDINARY VALUE LOTS for worldwide stamp collectors.If you enjoy searching through a treasure trove of worldwide Stamps and Covers with no telling what you might Find try one of our Famous - Exclusive Collector value packed Lots today. These lots are constantly changing and are not sold by specific weight or count. We make sure you get a great value so you will come back for more. We have many repeat buyers for this special offer. Parcels are constantly changing. Try one today for only $100.00 Click here to Buy Now
Us Stamps Ebay Collections
M22) WALT DISNEY ~~~MINT MIXTURE You'll Love This New Special Offer
Disney stamps are probably the #1 topical selling stamp in the world. I have not had any wholesale lots of these in years. This DISNEY LOT is a MIXTURE of 600 MINT DISNEY Stamps in both short sets and the very popular sheets containing several stamps. The mixture will not contain over 3 of any stamp. This is strictly a limited time offer while supply lasts. 600 Assorted MINT NH DISNEY Stamps from a variety of nations. This would make a great addition for your personal collection and is also ideal for making up into smaller Gift Lots. Would be well appreciated as stocking stuffers. We noticed sheets depicting Lion King, Hercules, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck, Aladdin, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Toy Story and much much more. A truly wonderful Disney Topical Assortment of Mint Stamps and sheetlets. YOURS FOR ONLY $99.00Buy now!
M24) BRITISH EMPIRE MIXTURE An OFF PAPER wide range mixture accumulated over many years from many different sources. Interesting blend and lots of stamps. HALF POUND MIXTURE for only $79.00 Buy Now
Collection of 100 All Different Scott listed topical cancelled souvenir sheets. Valued at over $330.00 in the Scott catalog. A virtual goldmine of value. Extremely attractive colorful and pictorial souvenir sheets, ALL YOURS NOW FOR $49.95 Click here to Buy Now
Big Value Packed Lot of ALL DIFFERENT WORLDWIDE Sets and souvenir sheets.
Worth over $1000.00 Scott Retail Value !
Find many interesting mint and cancelled worldwide stamps for your collection for only $99.00 Buy now!
We are always buying dealer stocks of plate blocks and right now have a surplus to our current needs. To Liquidate some of this overstock I am selling WHOLESALE LOTS worth over $100.00 Actual FaceValue in USA MINT NH Plate # Blocks and the regular retail value would certainly well exceed $200.A great way to build your collection at a low wholesale price. Right now you can get this big lot for only $129.00 >>>> PRICE REDUCED to only $99.00Buy now!
M28) Liechtenstein Scarce Mixture of 1000 Liechtenstein Stamps. Very fine condition. Great Value for $199.00 Buy Now
M44) EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS of 1000 Different Off Paper Stamps just arrived. Looking to fill in your album, trade with friends, make up small packets etc this is a Great Deal at only $29.00 click here to Buy now!
M66) KOREA 50 Different topical souvenir sheets $29.95 click here to Buy now!
M67) HUNGARY Collection of 41 Different Mint NH Complete Topical and Pictorial Sets Spanning Four Decades. Retail Value is $110.00. We're selling this for only $59.00 Buy now!
M68) HUNGARY Stunning Collection of 118 Different Mint NH Topical Souvenir Sheets. Like owning your own Art Gallery. Retail Value of this Collection of beautiful Souvenir Sheets Exceeds $400.00. We're selling this collection for only $119.00 Clcik Here to Buy now!
This offer is for BOTH LOT M67 AND M68. Click the BUY NOW Button for this offer and you will receive both M67 and M68 - The 41 Mint Sets + The 118 Mint Hungary Souvenir Sheets at a $30.00 combination savings. Your Cost is only $148.00 Click Here to Buy now!

MYSTERY PACKETS are assembled from a multitude of different sources we developed over many years. Each mystery packet contains 100 different stamps. I have 70 Mystery Packets available PRICED ONLY $5.00 Each
You can order anywhere from 1 to 70 Mystery Packets. No Telling what you might find in these as they were made up without regards to catalog or retail values. One of our Best sellers.
Click here to Buy Now
Us Stamps Collection Lots For Sale Craigslist
USA #3408 The Sheet of 20 Stamps Honoring the Legends of Baseball was issued in 2000 and has been enormously popular. If you missed out on this I can offer you this sheet Brand new MINT CONDITION This sheet honors the following twenty legendary baseball players George Sisler, Ty Cobb, Christy Mathewson, Eddie Collins, Jackie Robinson, Roberto Clemente, Walter Johnson, Babe Ruth, Mickey Cochrane, Rogers Hornsby, Pie Traynor, Jimmie Foxx, Cy Young, Tris Speaker, Lefty Grove, Lou Gehrig, Dizzy Dean, Josh Gibson, Honus Wagner and Satchel Paige.
FULL MINT SHEET Regular Price is $20.75
Us Stamps Collection Lots For Sale Craigslist