Casino Movie Best Scenes
The history of cinema has captured the many great stories surrounding the subject of gambling. There are exciting risks that characters face once they become engaged in incredible situations with incredible stakes. From Sean Connery’s James Bond introducing himself at the Baccarat table in Dr. No – “Bond, James Bond” to the darker films like Abel Ferrara’s Bad Lieutenant with Harvey Keitel seeing visions of Jesus as he seeks redemption on his un-policeman like actions. There are many iconic moments in film that illustrate the allure of gambling.
- Casino Movie Best Scenes Movie
- Casino Vice Scene
- Dr No Casino Scene
- Casino Movie Best Scenes Ever
- Casino Movie Best Scenes Cast
'Casino' Premiere (7) Robert De Niro Through the Years (3) The Movies of Martin Scorsese (3) Emmy Spotlight: Robert De Niro (3) Year in Review - 1995 (2) Top-Rated Novels-to-Big-Screen Movies (1) Hollywood Heartthrobs, Then and Now (1) The History of Golden Globe Best Actor and Actress in a Drama Winners (1) Remembering Frank Vincent: 1939 to. 18 Behind-The-Scenes Facts From The Making Of Casino. The shots of the Casino imploded were actually taken from The Dunes from October 1993 and January 1994. They shot the movie in an actual casino between the hours of 1am-4am. Lester Diamond: I'm looking at you right now. I'm seeing you for the very first time right this minute. I'm seeing you and I can feel my heart click. I see you fourteen years old. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film. Casino (1995) Parents Guide Add to guide. Showing all 36 items. Near the end of the movie, there is a scene of men being executed by the bosses. Most involve gunshots.
From a huge backlog of work and film tackling the seductive world of casinos and gambling, we highlight some of the most memorable scenes that are totally unforgettable once you have watched them.
They should have stayed at home and tried their luck with an online casino instead of paying the price
When we say ‘casino’ for any movie buff the first thing that comes to mind is Scorsese’s own film titled Casino. This leads us to the first stand out scene and if you’ve already seen the movie then plenty will know what is coming. Perhaps one of the most powerful violent scenes in movie history we are introduced to the ways of not messing over a casino owner.
#1 Nicky plays with a Vice: Here the character Tong Dogs is unwilling to confess on who pulled a fast one on the casino. Enter Nicky played by Joe Pesci who has reached the end of his tether and places Tony’s head in a vice! What follows is blood spurts from his mouth, rather a lot of shouting from Nicky and ending in Tony’s eye popping out, lovely!
Film Fact: the scene in Casino was cut for Swedish release which is ironic because of their love of gambling. While not quite the same you can see the Pennsylvania Lottery welcome offer for comparison on gambling in different cultures and you get an idea of how serious they take their casino games and bonuses.
There’s something so compelling about a great casino movie: it offers high drama, violence and great scenes
Casino Movie Best Scenes Movie
Poker gets a lot of screen time in the movies and none took the game to pure genius as it did in Cool Hand Luke.
#2 “sometimes nothin’ can be a real cool hand”: Prison tension at its best with the ultimate poker face to grace the silver screen. Paul Newman plays Lucas Jackson and bluffs his way during a game with other prisoners to win the pot, it’s then revealed he had nothing.
Film Fact: Newman didn’t swallow one egg in that infamous scene.
Joe Pesci is at it again with another Scorsese classic, Goodfellas.
#3 the Oklahoma Kid: During a table game of poker, Tommy (played by Pesci) is ignored several times throughout the game and is wanting a drink from Spider who pays the price for misunderstanding. Cue the biggest psychopath wielding a gun. Long story short, Spider is shot in the foot intentionally and the next evening during another game, he regrets showing up for work and winds up in a hole.
Film Fact: The F-word is said 296 times which averages to it being said twice every minute.
What comes with casino games being captured on film is real, tense action and surprising outcomes
Gambling is the perfect arc for setting up a scene. Character position can be integral to a scene, the lighting and the outcome can lead to plot changes and twists. Frankly, the list can go on and on for the benefits of adding such scenes to a movie, which doesn’t necessarily have to be about gambling at all.
Some of the best movies thrive on edge of your seat tension and interesting dialog to keep the viewer hooked. While most people love the high-octane nature of blockbuster cinema, sometimes more can be said from something much more subtle. Few realms encapsulate quiet tension like the casino, whether a movie is trying to create drama, romance, or simply wants to be cool.
Casinos are increasingly becoming mainstream, driven by the success of online casinos and mobile casino games. Regulators have started to relax rules around betting and states have embraced casinos. For example, Online Gambling California venues are now available and people are enjoying the accessibility and are more ready to embrace the glamor of casinos that they have seen in movies.
In Hollywood, casinos have often been portrayed positively and below are some of the best casino moments in movies.
Casino Royale
Casino Vice Scene
No movie character has been more perfect for the casino world than James Bond. Indeed, 007 visits a casino in just about every movie in the franchise and brings his dashing and suave personality each time. However, it is in 2006’s Casino Royale where Bond hits his casino stride. As the name suggests, the whole movie is focused on a casino and specifically a game of high-stakes poker. During the game, everything we love about a good casino scene is in evidence: tension, humor, double-crossing, espionage, romance, and sexiness.
Dr No Casino Scene
Even if you’ve never seen Martin Scorsese’s sprawling love letter to old school Las Vegas, you can probably guess it has its fair share of casino scenes. Arguably the most uncomfortable and violent gangster movie ever, Casino is also a masterpiece. When it slows down and shows the inner workings of casinos, it encapsulates an era of Las Vegas that was as beautiful and dangerous. Because this is Scorsese, the casino scenes are wonderfully shot and lit.
Casino Movie Best Scenes Ever
Rain Man
Unlike the previous two movies on this list, Rain Main is not directly about a casino or gambling. Instead, it is a coming-of-age drama starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. Emotional and funny, one of the best scenes in Rain Man is when Cruise’s Charlie Babbit realizes his autistic brother Ray is a savant who can count cards. Stopping their road trip to California, Charlie takes Ray to a Casino where Ray eventually wins big at blackjack and attracts a crowd. The scene is funny, engaging, dramatic, and even tragic.

Ocean’s 11
Casino Movie Best Scenes Cast

Really, the whole of Ocean’s 11 series presents an iconic look at casino life. The movie is centered on a casino, and specifically, Danny Ocean and his 11-strong gang’s attempt to rob a major Vegas casino. Featuring amazing dialog, an accurate look at casinos, and a beautifully shot Las Vegas, Ocean’s 11 is an ode to old movies, a postcard view of Las Vegas, and an excellent heist thriller. One of the best casino movies ever made, this is a must-see for people who love casinos.
As you can see, Casinos have had a major influence on Hollywood and have featured in some of the biggest movies ever. The list above presents some of the best casino movies and scenes ever, but there are certainly plenty more to consider. For example, other casino movies worth checking out include Rounders, The Hangover, and the rest of the Ocean’s franchise.