R T Smoke & Gun

- Smoke fog, or smog for short, is a type of intense air pollution. The word 'smog' was coined in the early 20th century, and is a contraction (portmanteau) of the words smoke and fog to refer to smoky fog due to its opacity, and odor.
- See 3 photos from 25 visitors to R T Smoke & Gun Shop.
- Pastor Jamal Bryant. Today messenger: I don't want no smoke.Watch more videos here: https://goo.gl/GZacML.
R T SMOKE N GUNS is a gun shop located in Mount Vernon, NY. They are registered with the ATF as a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL Dealer) and their license number is 6-13-XXX-XX-XX-34268.
Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for R T Ninety Nine Smokeshop at 893 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149. Search for other Cigar, Cigarette & Tobacco Dealers in Everett on The Real Yellow Pages®.
You can verify the current status of their license with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives by entering their license number into the ATF’s FFL eZ Check search tool. As a reference, we created a simple step-by-step guide for validating FFLs.
It is recommended that you contact R T SMOKE N GUNS with any questions concerning their hours and availability, as well as policies and pricing for the buying, selling, or transferring of firearms. Also, be aware that many of these dealers run their businesses out of their homes. For residential addresses, we highly advise that you contact them in advance by phone.
This is the current contact information that we have for R T SMOKE N GUNS:
Phone Number:
Unfortunately the address above does not always map correctly when we enter it into our system. The following address and coordinates are what you will find pinned on our map.
4 S 6th Ave, Mount Vernon, NY 10550
40.9108517, -73.8388567
Are you looking for additional gun shops and firearm services in Mount Vernon, NY?
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Please visit our New York Gun Shops Category for a complete list of gun shops in New York.
We do our best to keep listings up to date. If you have found an error or have additional information that we should include for this FFL Dealer, please contact us with any pertinent details and include their FFL license number (6-13-XXX-XX-XX-34268) in the subject line.
Thank you for using 411 GUN and please consider taking the time to check out our Blog and John Moses Browning patent research.
R T Smoke & Gun Range
411 GUN makes no guarantees regarding the businesses listed. If you have any concerns about this FFL Dealer or any other firearm related concerns, please contact the ATF at 1-800-800-3855 or visit their website for additional resources.